Hvað er SAWE?

SAWE Teeth Whitening

Your smile comes first.

SAWE  tannhvíttunar og tannheilsuvörur eru þróaðar eftir hæðstu gæðastöðlum.

Top-notch products and services are our guiding principles, and we emphasize building personal connections with our customers. 

Vinsælustu vörur SAWE eru heima tannhvíttunarsettið, tannkremstónerinn og dag & nætur tannkremið.

Our products are developed with dentists following strict safety and quality standards. They are also FDA (Food and Drug Administration) certified.

SAWE in Iceland is operated by Avery ehf. Avery ehf.
(Reg no. 560322-1190)

Phone Number: 660 7267

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